Hey there!

Likemind is a series of parties that bring together like minded people in someone's home 🎉. At the moment its for singles only.

Request an invite! Select all of the dates that you can come to. We will curate a nice mix of people, and send you an invite a week before the party.

Request an Invite

Likemind is open to everyone. Our website and events are places where everyone is welcome, regardless of age, race, class, religion, physical ability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or political beliefs.

We believe that our gatherings should be accessible, welcoming, low-cost, and available to all. We want the homes to be safe and comfortable spaces and that our community members treat one another with the utmost humbleness and respect.

We curate our events which means that not everyone that request an invite will get one. Please respect that we put a lot of thought and care into our curation process to create the best possible experience.
